mlb @ toa payoh for the project superstar tingie. NIC`S POSE!! GOSH. DARN CUTE LAHS!! nonono. it`s CHARMING! *melts*
hahahs. nth to do sho wen to edit. learnt moii editin skills from WEIQI. c( x why`s NIC sho CUTTTEEEE??!! *MELTS*
[left to rite] SAM . WEIQI . NIC. even NIC close eyes also sho charming. jialats.
[left to rite]NIC . SAM . WEIQI.
NIC cuttin his buffdae cake while the other two MILOs stood beside and help. (:
NIC + WEIQI while playin the guess song name game. hahs.
whoops. i duno how i get the pix but somehow i jux got it. hahs. and i edited it. ARENT THEY CUTE?! anyway the editing ish jux for funn. they`re all straight ya? LOLLS.
*shy* din noe NIC was lookin at me. I LURBX MOII PRINCE!
hahs. moii knight ; WEQI. he`s jux sho cute and nice. *SMILES*anyway tish pix not from me. kope it frm the yahoo grps. HAHS.
hahs. taken wen WEIQI`s givin his ending speech.
SAM! hahahs. anyway tish pix not from me too as i wun take xing. i bet xing ish starin at mi. lolls!
*whoops i did it agn* accidentally got tish pix too. lolls! cute rite?din noe moii foto takin skills tat good. X=
WEIQI ; moii knight. (: he`s posing for mi. YESH. ME! lolls.
*shy* moii prince and i. how i wish we can jux live happily eva aft... *dreams*
moii prince and i agn. aint he tall? the smile on his face`s jux sho charming.
HAHS. moii knight, WEIQI and i. he`s jux sho cute rite? c( x
oki, it was aft tish pix wen WEIQI told me i look lyk rainie. thx lahs. lols.
SAM and I. (: nth much actually. X=
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