Sunday, September 24, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
ohhonghui : shhhhhh* jux admit tat you cant win mi. hahahs. who cares if you still bother to contiune tish matter or not. it`s not up to you to say tat. ohh well, but i noe ur quite pathetic lahs. being anti-ed by everyone. gosh, i wonder how many % of ppl in tish world can hab tat kind of treatment. mayb 0.2? HAHS. not sure. but guess wat? i`ll nv b in ta percentage and sadly, you`ll ALWAYS b in the percentage. tsktsk. if ur optimistic enuff, take it as ur lucky pa. LOLLS. well, i`m ending here. shoot mi for all i care, but take note of the use of words cuz they might lead you to serious consequences. well, tat`s jux a gentle reminder. ((: anyway it`s obvious tat i`m not a piakia lahs sho dun hab to worry and moii life will obviously b longer den yours cuz i`m healthy. well, beta look at ur size/weight b4 tokin bout habin a short life. at least i`m at a HEALTHY RANGE, not obese. HAHAHAHS. damn, life`s rather hard for you ya? awww.
liang aiai: BEATBOXING RAWKS RAWKS RAWKS! WHHHEEEE. it`s oki lahs. dun hab to bother him. as long as EVERYONE noes who`s the loser jiu oki le. i can understnd why he doesnt wana accept the fact lahs. lets b understndin ya? since we`ll nv b in a pathetic state. HAHS. [HEARTS] BANDONGs ^^
extra/._. : diaos. hahahs. we all noe he`s such a person sho dun bother lahs. even if he wana hab some actions also canot. he`s not fit enuff to tok bout actions. tink bout it, wat can he do? answer : practically NOTHING. ohh well, forget it. hahs. it`s jux sho funn to see ppl tok w/o actions. ((:
eugene : lamber lahs you. lolls. stop being a "shuang tou she". i noe ur patch baq le but dun need liddat de. lolls. anyway come often lahs. and read more newspapers. i`m waiting for ur qns! ^^
shaozhu : ZHU TAO! WHOA. dun eva come moii blog agn if you tagged b4 zhu tai ma`s one. arsehole, nv come tag b4 yet go zhu taima der tag. GO ZIE. RAHHH. lolls.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
the feelin kinda weird.
duno wat will happen on tat day.
it`s a feelin tat`s mixed with,
wana see you and dun wish to see you.
ya. jux dun wana spoil the mood tat
we finally maintain.
but nevertheless, I NEED YOU.
((: and i still love you, lyk 11 mths ago. ((:
deepest condolences to miss cindy`s family and frens.
she`s known as JUSTME in MLB`s blog.
althou i duno you, but knowin the fact tat you`re gone, leavin the world and the big family,
it still affects mi badly.
it`s sad.
guess tat`s the bond tat MLB-ians hab within `em.
despite the fact tat we duno each other, we smile tghr wen we shld and cry tghr wen bad tings happen.
no matter wat, RIP moii dear.
we`ll always rmb you in our hearts.
once a MLB-ian , foreva a MLB-ian.
oki, friz, ders smth i`d lyk to say,
i cried wen i saw the blardy paper.
no ireland = i`m dead.
yupp, in fact i m.
i`m gonna score darn low for tat paper.
lalalala. wateva.
anyway today`s quite a werid day for mi.
a mixture of happy and unhappy.
ders good news and ders bad news.
in fact the good news caused more of the confusion in moii heart.
but no matter wat, i wun gib up the chance.
tish might b moii one and only chance.
well, the sad news ish of cuz the friz part of moii entry.
life`s fragile.
you nv noe wat will happen the next min.
anyway wen to sch today for chem xtra lessons with two of moii bundongs.
hahs. ohh ya.
lemme jux briefly tok bout a recent grp tat i`m in.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
mlb @ toa payoh for the project superstar tingie. NIC`S POSE!! GOSH. DARN CUTE LAHS!! nonono. it`s CHARMING! *melts*
hahahs. nth to do sho wen to edit. learnt moii editin skills from WEIQI. c( x why`s NIC sho CUTTTEEEE??!! *MELTS*
[left to rite] SAM . WEIQI . NIC. even NIC close eyes also sho charming. jialats.
[left to rite]NIC . SAM . WEIQI.
NIC cuttin his buffdae cake while the other two MILOs stood beside and help. (:
NIC + WEIQI while playin the guess song name game. hahs.
whoops. i duno how i get the pix but somehow i jux got it. hahs. and i edited it. ARENT THEY CUTE?! anyway the editing ish jux for funn. they`re all straight ya? LOLLS.
*shy* din noe NIC was lookin at me. I LURBX MOII PRINCE!
hahs. moii knight ; WEQI. he`s jux sho cute and nice. *SMILES*anyway tish pix not from me. kope it frm the yahoo grps. HAHS.
hahs. taken wen WEIQI`s givin his ending speech.
SAM! hahahs. anyway tish pix not from me too as i wun take xing. i bet xing ish starin at mi. lolls!
*whoops i did it agn* accidentally got tish pix too. lolls! cute rite?din noe moii foto takin skills tat good. X=
WEIQI ; moii knight. (: he`s posing for mi. YESH. ME! lolls.
*shy* moii prince and i. how i wish we can jux live happily eva aft... *dreams*
moii prince and i agn. aint he tall? the smile on his face`s jux sho charming.
HAHS. moii knight, WEIQI and i. he`s jux sho cute rite? c( x
oki, it was aft tish pix wen WEIQI told me i look lyk rainie. thx lahs. lols.
SAM and I. (: nth much actually. X=